Learning A New Programming Language...Again

03 Sep 2020

It all began in Freshmen Year of college: As I start my journey into Software Engineering, I like to think about where I started back a couple of years ago. In ICS 111, I was taught basic syntax and data structures for the programming language, Java. I was at a loss for words trying to figure out how to format and create effective programs for a person having no prior knowledge or experience in coding or programming. I spent countless hours every single day, collaborating with other classmates to help me figure out every little thing.

All that stress and sleepless nights have brought me here. Now, I am here with proficient knowledge of Java, C/C++, and a basic understanding of Javascript/EC6. I noticed many Java and Javascript properties that are the same, but different in their respective languages. While trying to learn Javascript, I would start my line with either “int” or “String” when trying to initialize a variable. In Javascript, you can keep variable assignments simple by just typing “let” in substitution for “int”, “String”, “float”, etc.

Learning new programming languages can be intimidating, but there is a way to make life easier. Along with the Javascript syntax’s simplicity, I also really enjoy the athletic software engineering teaching concept. The Programming WOD (Workout of the Day) was my first experience with actual coding interview questions that I may encounter. It provides a realistic, stressful environment that can assist me in helping me think under pressure. I feel that keeping yourself restricted on time creates a more productive work ethic because you are forced to manage your time more efficiently.