Are There Stupid Questions..?

10 Sep 2020

There is no such thing as a stupid question. When you think about this claim, there is a vast divide in terms of the standardized criteria of question formatting. According to Eric Raymond, many users on StackOverFlow dislike seeing questions that provide no background or information to the code presented. Questions that do not give a clear, concise description of the purpose of the code and possible problems make it much more challenging to help the user than it needs to be.

What constitutes as a good question and what does it include? Well, I’m glad that you asked! Good questions include well-formatted code with a short, in-depth description of the purpose and problems presented in the code. Before you even ask a question, you must attempt to do your research about the topic. You can run Google searches, look on StackOverFlow forums to find solutions that correlate to your problem, and other research kinds. Also, mentioning what types of sites you have searched through and exhibit the willingness to learn by asking questions like “What can I search for?” will most likely be answered.

Is there an example of a stupid question? If you refer to this link, you can already see a couple of problems with this question. The user provides a simple question and includes a link that other users have to access to reference to. There is no code included, which means that the user did not even attempt to do their research.

What about a good question? Please take a look at this link, this user took the time to attempt this problem himself and took the time to do his research. He uses the introduction of his question submission to address the issue he’s having and provides his input on how to solve the problem.

Think twice before you ask any question. You don’t want to drop a question that may give off the wrong idea. Stupid questions like the one reference above hurt your credibility as a programmer. Take the time to think about what you’re asking and how others will perceive your entry.